Saturday, December 14, 2013

A Miracle for Mothers

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The Book of Mormon tells of the miraculous preservation of 2,060 young warriors.  After converting to the gospel of Jesus Christ, their once blood-thirsty fathers covenanted never to shed blood again.  They found themselves in a precarious situation after continually being faced with war, and being forced to rely upon others for their defense.  The fathers were contemplating taking up arms again.  Not having made the same covenant, their sons offered to fight in their place.  

Their prophet leader recorded that he had never seen greater courage.  The young men recounted to him, "Our God is with us, and He will not suffer us that wo should fall; then let us go forth..."  It was written of them, "they never had fought, yet they did not fear death; and they did think more upon the liberty of their fathers than they did upon their live; yea, they had been taught by their mothers, that if they did not doubt, God would deliver them." The young men rehearsed unto their leader the words of their mothers, saying: "We do not doubt our mothers knew it."  The stripling warriors fought in dangerous battles, receiving many wounds, but not one was killed.  

I have often thought about the mothers of this story, and the role they played in bringing about this miracle of protection for their children.  I believe that the only way they could have had no doubt regarding the return and preservation of their sons is if they had a witness of the Holy Ghost.  I can see in my minds eye these mothers pleading in prayer after their sons were determined to fight.  Given the history of this group of people, many of them may have been widowed mothers Alma 24:20-23.  I think these mothers advocated in their behalf and were promised blessings through the Spirit.  They trusted the promised blessings, and their sons were able to do the same.  Miracles follow praying mothers. 

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